Sentence Structure 45 Particle “了”—Part 3
V+了character: 了 pinyin: le details (no object)—Part 1 In the structure "V+了character: 了 pinyin: le details" without object, 了character: 了 pinyin: le details often indicates completion and change at the same time, or only change. In a few cases it indicates only completion. 1) Example 1 of 了character: 了 pinyin: le details indicating only completion: 我character: 我 pinyin: wǒ details看character: 看 pinyin: kàn details见character: 见 pinyin: jiàn details了character: 了 pinyin: le details很character: 很 pinyin: hěn details高兴word: 高兴 pinyin: gāoxìng details The case of 了character: 了 pinyin: le details indicating only completion is limited to just one kind of structure, that is the one having a dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) with 了character: 了 pinyin: le details followed by the main clause. In this case, the main clause's action/situation follows the completion of the dependent clause's action. 2) Example of 了character: 了 pinyin: le details indicating completion and change at the same time: 看character: 看 pinyin: kàn details见character: 见 pinyin: jiàn details了character: 了 pinyin: le details As said, the complement of result is closely linked to the verb, and no element can be put between them. wrong: 看character: 看 pinyin: kàn details了character: 了 pinyin: le details见character: 见 pinyin: jiàn details 3) Example of 了character: 了 pinyin: le details indicating only change: 来character: 来 pinyin: lái details了character: 了 pinyin: le details!来character: 来 pinyin: lái details了character: 了 pinyin: le details! As in this example, 了character: 了 pinyin: le details is often used to indicate a change that is going to happen soon. |