Learn Chinese for Free—Lesson 69

Lesson 69 of 360

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Characters' Essentials

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-[verb] Call on, visit, see
-[verb] To direct the eyes on someone or something (look at, watch, see, read)
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[particle] Used after a verb or an adjective to indicate the completion of an action or of a change

Description and Examples

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diàn   shì   
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Television, T.V.

Dialogue 62


HSK Exam Paper

The following is from a past HSK1 exam paper.

HSK1 exam paper


HSK Exam Paper

The following is from a past HSK2 exam paper.


Sentence Structure 42
The Complement of Result—Part 2

Read again Part 1

The complement of result is used to show the result of the action expressed by a verb.


action (the action of looking)
result (actually seeing)

Both verbs and adjectives can be used to show the result of an action.


action (the action of coming)
result (being late)

As said, the verb indicating the action and the verb/adjective showing the result are closely linked together and no element can be put between them. The object must be put after the structure Verb+Complement, and not in the middle.

Verb + Complement + Object

wrong: *


Sentence Structure 43
Particle “了”—Part 1

The structural particle “” is mainly used in two different ways.

for completion”:
It is used after a verb (and before the object) or an adjective to indicate completion (of an action or of a change). The completion of the action or the change can refer to something that has already happened in the past or to something that is expected/supposed to happen in the future.

V + + O

for change”:
It is used at the end of a sentence or phrase (after the object, if present) to indicate a change or a new situation (in the past or in the future).

V + O +

In the next parts, we are going to analyse each one of the following possibilities, even if not in the same order:

  • V+(completion)+O
  • V+O+(change)
  • V+(completion)+O+(change)
  • V+(completion, change, or both)
  • A+(change, or completion and change)
  • "" and Numeral-Measure compounds
  • N+(change)
  • NM+(change)
  • Negative of ""
  • Questions with ""

A: adjective
N: noun
NM: Numeral-Measure compound
O: object
V: verb

Sentence Structure 44
Particle “了”—Part 2


In the structure Verb+Object+, is at the end of the sentence or phrase, after the object. It indicates a change or a new situation.

Example of at the end of the sentence or phrase:

verb (+ complement of result)
indicating a change (you didn't see him, but now you do)

Sentence Structure 45
Particle “了”—Part 3

V+ (no object)—Part 1

In the structure "V+" without object, often indicates completion and change at the same time, or only change. In a few cases it indicates only completion.

1) Example 1 of indicating only completion:


The case of indicating only completion is limited to just one kind of structure, that is the one having a dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) with followed by the main clause. In this case, the main clause's action/situation follows the completion of the dependent clause's action.

dependent clause
main clause

2) Example of indicating completion and change at the same time:

complement of result
indicates both completion and change. The completion of the action is implied in the complement of result. It indicates also a change (you didn't see, but now you do). Remember that completion alone occurs only in dependent clauses.

As said, the complement of result is closely linked to the verb, and no element can be put between them.


3) Example of indicating only change:

As in this example, is often used to indicate a change that is going to happen soon.

not yet arrived...
but it's going to happen very soon (as if it already happened)

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Lesson 69 of 360

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WearYourChineseName.com - By Giuseppe Romanazzi
Biaoyu Business Consulting Services LTD
Shanghai, China
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