Supper, dinner§Pasto, cena
Below you find the Chinese word related to the following English terms:
- Supper
- Dinner§Pasto
- Cena
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First character of the Chinese word 吗中
- | (Used at the end of a declarative sentence to transform it into a question) |
- | (Used in the middle of a sentence to emphasize, with a little pause, the topic of conversation) |
Some Chinese characters have more than one pronunciation. This is one of them!
It can be pronounced also ma2. Pronounced that way, it means: what.
It can be pronounced also ma3. Pronounced that way, it means: hat (First character of the Chinese word for 'morphine':
This character has two different traditional versions.
- | (same as simplified one's) |
- | (same as simplified one's) |
Second character of the Chinese word 吗中
- | Hit, fit exactly; be hit by, fall into, be affected by, suffer, sustain |
Some Chinese characters have more than one pronunciation. This is one of them!
It can be pronounced also zhong1. Pronounced that way, it means: center, middle; china; in, among; medium, intermediate; mean, halfway between two extremes; intermediary; good for, agreeable to; right, OK, well; a surname.
There's no difference between the simplified and the traditional version of this character.
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How are you going to use this Chinese word?
a) Tattoo?
b) School assignment?
c) No use, just curiosity?
d) Other?