[adverb] A moment ago, just now§[avverbio] Un momento fa, proprio ora

Below you find the Chinese word related to the following English terms:

- [adverb] A moment ago

- Just now§[avverbio] Un momento fa

- Proprio ora


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[adverb] A moment ago, just now§[avverbio] Un momento fa, proprio ora

First character of the Chinese word 着娅

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-Touch, come in contact with; affected by (cold, etc.), troubled with, suffer; ignited, lit; fall asleep; hit the mark, succeed in

Some Chinese characters have more than one pronunciation. This is one of them!
It can be pronounced also zhe5. Pronounced that way, it means: added to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state; in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state; after a verb and before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state:
1. serving as an adverbial modifier;
2. indicating that while one action is in progress another is expected); in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis; used in forming a preposition.
It can be pronounced also zhuo2. Pronounced that way, it means: dded to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state; in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state; after a verb and before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state:
1. serving as an adverbial modifier;
2. indicating that while one action is in progress another is expected); in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis; used in forming a preposition Whereabouts; wear (clothes; touch, contact; apply, use; send; order, command.
It can be pronounced also zhao1. Pronounced that way, it means: ded to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state; in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state; after a verb and before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state:
1. serving as an adverbial modifier;
2. indicating that while one action is in progress another is expected); in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis; used in forming a preposition Whereabouts; wear (clothes; touch, contact; apply, use; send; order, command Move (in chess; trick, device; put in, add; all right, OK.

This character has a different traditional version.

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- (same as simplified one's)

Second character of the Chinese word 着娅

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-Sister's husband
This character contains the Chinese character for 'woman, girl' (nü3), so it's very appropriate when used to form a female name.

This character has a different traditional version.

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- (same as simplified one's)

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How are you going to use this Chinese word?

a) Tattoo?
b) School assignment?
c) No use, just curiosity?
d) Other?

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WearYourChineseName.com - By Giuseppe Romanazzi
Biaoyu Business Consulting Services LTD
Shanghai, China
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