Chinese Symbol 饭
What you see below, and can magnify, is the Chinese character for: meal; cooked cereals. I've divided all details into 5 sections. Please note that there might be more than one symbol with these meaning. If you want to see the other symbols or words with the same meaning, please click on the English words listed in the section 2 below.
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More symbols with the following meanings:
A warning: In Chinese, words are often composed by two Chinese characters, and sometimes by three or more. This page is not a dictionary.
This symbol has a different traditional version.
This Chinese symbol is not contained in any Chinese word of which I've written a page.
This Chinese symbol is not contained in any Chinese name.
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How are you going to use this Chinese symbol?
a) Tattoo?
b) School assignment?
c) No use, just curiosity?
d) Other?